Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Blog? What blog?

Stunning CA Coast Ride Preview
Woah Nelly! Fell off the blogging wagon after Kona of this year.  I'm sure you've been dying to read that we bought a house soon after getting back from Kona, had 2 bathrooms gutted and remodeled, floors redone, kitchen redone, etc.  WHILE trying to train for Ironman Los cabos in march.  Busy much?  Sorry mom, I know my phone calls have gotten less frequent and my friends may think Mark and I live under a rock at this point unless of course they are of the triathlete friend varietal and then we see each other as if nothing changed!  So I've spared you from the boredom thus far, but it's time to RALLY!

Bob The Builder
So phew!  The remodel is almost done and we no longer have a toilet in our front yard.  I have to say that toilet made me feel CLASSY! Where else can your friends puke 'n rally during the nonexistent ragers you throw?

So what's up for this season?  This weekend we are going on the coast ride.  This is the 2nd time I will have done this awesome ride from San Frnacisco to Santa Barbara over three days.  125 miles/day with 6-8k of climbing.  Thank you Argon18 for my new beauty, I will try to show it justice while climbing the coast of California with my girls! The weather is looking promising and the friends that are coming are gonna make it EPIC, although Mark is so fit right now, this ride is sure to be a Girls Gab Session Gone Wild with me seeing my husband in the morning and after the ride ends!

Training Bestie Jess!
Then march is where the season really begins.  I'll be racing Escape From Alcatraz on march 3rd to Bust off the Rust from 2012 and prep for Los Cabos.  And after that cold water torture awesome race, we head to San Jose Del Cabo later in March to race the first Ironman of the season!  I'm excited and nervous to race an Ironman this early in the year.  It's tough to motivate to bike outdoors, but as Coach has told me, there has been time enough to get in, out and back into shape for this race.  So we shall see!

After that?  8 weeks later is Ironman Texas, another meet up with pals from across the country disguised as a race!

I'm looking forward to it and will post pics along the way!  Hope that your training is making you stronger than ever and see you at the races!!


MissFancyPants said...

ahhhh your back :) so exciting to hear about the new place!!

mtanner said...

I am so doing the Coast Ride next year! But question for ya is it appropriate only for road bike?

Anonymous said...

I toyed with the idea of the Coast Ride, but it would require riding like 80 more miles/day than I currently am. I'm sure I'll have massive fear of missing out now.

But, I will not worry about missing out on Alcatraz. That shit is going to be COLD!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new home!

OK… I want in on this coast ride. Can a Minnesota girl join in next year?! :)

hailey said...

Girl, we take all, come from Minnesota, would LOVE to have ya!!

Mary, road bikes are best, but a few folks ride TT opinion, you don't want to be climbing 8k on a tt bike. But you can do it!